13 janvier 2012

Ghosts from the past

Haunt you under my eyelids
Dream you over my sleep
Nothing but memories trampling my present
No more that remembrance for which I lost any right

My mighty torment turning into my mind
Ominious thoughts and ghastly pansies
Storming ghosts or grim spirits

Can't you leave me alone, without her
Can't she cease haunting my dreams, my nightmares
Let me float through the Ether till the dirges of reason
In my eternal dreams of madness, I don't want any poison

And you, elusive angel, can't you, as the newborn, put your finger on my mouth
Blow the clouds in my eyes and let shine the white sun

Twisted ideas and forbidden happiness
Stars and demons full of sadness
Pretty girls with heart-stake
Rotten heart ego-masochistic

Madness grabbed me when the past surpassed me

And since, you are part of my nights
At present, I hate you for this one

Bitter notes are repeated until the last
You are the Ghosts from my past

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